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Can I Be Fired for Speaking Up About Sexual Harassment?


Were you recently fired after speaking up about sexual harassment in the workplace? If so, you may have a wrongful termination case on your hands. Some employers will go to great lengths to protect their company against negative press and publicity, but that does not mean that they can violate your rights, or the law, in the process. If you have reason to believe that you were fired as retaliation for talking about the harassment that you or a coworker has experienced in the workplace, you should waste no time in contacting Biesecker, Dutkanych & Macer, LLC.

Understanding the Parameters of “At-Will” Employment

If you were hired “at-will,” as many employees are in Kentucky, this means that your employer can fire you for any reason—that is, without having to establish cause for termination—and without warning. This may seem unfair, but at-will employment has been justified by supporters on the basis that employees have the same power to leave without having to give a reason or warning.

So what does this mean for your wrongful termination case? Hiring employees “at-will” gives employers the discretion to fire who they want, when they want, but that still does not mean that they can do so on the basis of discrimination or retaliation. Your employer cannot fire or punish you for exercising your rights, even if you were hired as an at-will employee in Louisville, KY.

What to Do if You Were Wrongfully Terminated

If you have reason to believe that you were wrongfully terminated, you need to protect your legal claim. This means that you should avoid doing anything in haste or out of anger. Even if your employer has not shown you the same respect, you should avoid retaliating against them after being fired. You should also avoid signing anything until you have reviewed it with your lawyer.

It may also help your case to ask your employer why you have been fired and follow through on all agreements related to your termination. Make sure that you get written confirmation. Last but not least, it is critical that you get in touch with an employment attorney at Biesecker, Dutkanych & Macer, LLC immediately. The sooner we are involved, the better it will be for your case.

What If I Was Fired for My Race, Age or Religion?

As mentioned earlier, your employer cannot terminate your employment—even if you are an at-will employee—on the basis of discrimination or retaliation. If you have reason to believe that you were fired because of your race, national origin, sex, religion, age (if you are at least 40 years old) or disability, you may also be able to pursue a wrongful termination claim. Kentucky law even prohibits employment discrimination based on smoking or off-duty tobacco use.

Learn More about Your Rights in a Free Consult

Wrongful termination claims can be difficult to prove without the help of an experienced lawyer—as you will need more than just your suspicions in order to win the case. For this reason, you shouldn’t delay in contacting the team at Biesecker, Dutkanych & Macer, LLC. We can put more than 50 years of legal experience in employment law to work for you as soon as you give us a call. We will also review your case at no cost to you when you fill out a free case evaluation form online.