Pregnancy Discrimination Attorneys in Indianapolis
Protecting Employment Rights to Pregnancy Leaves of Absence
While joyous, the time leading up to and following the birth of your child can be stressful. Many issues can arise, requiring your full-time attention.
Unlike some states allowing employees to take time off for birth or adoption, Indiana has no laws for pregnancy disability leave. However, you may be protected by several federal laws. These employment laws include the Family and Medical Leave Act as well as the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
Do you feel you or your spouse’s employment rights have been violated as it relates to your pregnancy? It is important to reach out to an experienced Indianapolis employment lawyer. At Biesecker Dutkanych & Macer, LLC, our pregnancy leave of absence attorneys have over 50 years of collective experience representing employees. We can help you recover fair compensation for unlawful treatment by your employer.
If your rights have been violated, do not remain idle. Take action by calling our Indianapolis law firm at (888) 424-9253 today.
Pregnancy and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
If your Indiana company employs at least 50 people, they are likely bound by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Essentially, this act allows up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period to take care of qualifying medical matters. This leave is fully job-protected, meaning you are legally entitled to return to your same position after you return.
Pregnancy and birth are covered under the FMLA, as the federal government considers these to be a serious health conditions. FMLA leave also covers mothers in need of prenatal care or suffering incapacity related to a current pregnancy or complicated birth.
If your employer has refused FMLA leave, you may be entitled to fair compensation. You may also have a retaliation or wrongful termination case if your employer demoted or terminated you as a result of your leave. Our Indianapolis employment lawyers can help you better understand the strength of your case.